
FDA Approves LK's JLK-CTP: A New Era in Stroke Diagnostics

FDA accepts LK's JLK-CTP application; Korean AI firm aims for U.S. stroke software market.

Breaking News

  • Aug 05, 2024

  • Mrudula Kulkarni

FDA Approves LK's JLK-CTP: A New Era in Stroke Diagnostics

The FDA has accepted LK's U.S. application for their automated computer tomography perfusion (CTP) analysis package, JLK-CTP. LK is a Korean AI-based medical imaging firm. The company's strategic effort to join the U.S. market this year has included an aggressive pursuit of FDA clearances. The business gained FDA 510(k) approval for MEDIHUB Prostate, their prostate cancer detection solution, and finished its application for JLK-LVO, an AI solution for large vascular occlusion (LVO) that diagnoses strokes.

The business intends to submit three more stroke-related solutions to the FDA this year, for a total of five stroke solutions seeking clearance by 2024, in addition to the recent application for the stroke diagnostic solution JLK-CTP. Using brain perfusion CT scans, the JLK-CTP solution automatically identifies regions of irreparable brain injury and delayed blood delivery. This information helps doctors determine whether to recanalise blocked brain veins.

Frontiers in Neuroscience released a comparison performance analysis by JLK and researchers from Seoul National University Bundang Hospital between their solution and the U.S.-based RapidAI. The research, which included 327 individuals who had an ischaemic stroke within 24 hours of its commencement, represents a direct technological rivalry with the goal of breaking into the American market. JLK exhibited a reduced inaccurate response rate of 55.6 percent in assessments comparing the predicted accuracy of ischaemic core regions detected by JLK-CTP and RapidAI systems.

CEO of JLK Kim Dong-min stated that the company, which offers complete stroke solutions including CT and MRI imaging, has a great chance in the quickly expanding U.S. stroke post-processing software industry. According to published research, JLK-CTP offers a comparative advantage over rival solutions like Viz.ai and RapidAI. It also has a good chance of becoming successful in the US market.

