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Ypsomed Secures Major Autoinjector Partnership With Medac In Pharma Breakthrough

The YpsoMate 1.0 simplifies methotrexate injections with a two-step process, safety features, and ergonomic design for secure, easy use.

Breaking News

  • Jun 14, 2024

  • Mrudula Kulkarni

Ypsomed Secures Major Autoinjector Partnership With Medac In Pharma Breakthrough

The YpsoMate 1.0 is set to replace BD's current metoject/metex pen for the German company’s methotrexate offerings. Ypsomed introduced its new autoinjector in several countries in the first quarter of this year. Medac pioneered subcutaneous methotrexate (MTX) products by launching Europe's inaugural pre-filled MTX autoinjector a decade ago. This weekly treatment targets a range of autoimmune conditions such as Crohn’s diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and psoriasis. 

Ypsomed claims its new autoinjector provides numerous benefits, such as a straightforward two-step start for the injection process. Users will have to remove the protective cap and apply the device to the skin, initiating the injection automatically without the need for pressing a button. The YpsoMate pen features audible signals signaling the beginning and completion of the injection, which enhances patient assurance. In addition, its injection needle remains concealed by a safety mechanism both before and after the injection.

This specific feature prevents needle-stick accidents and ensures the needle remains hidden from users. The autoinjector is designed with a square shape, which makes it easy to hold and prevents it from rolling on flat surfaces. Ypsomed developed its YpsoMate platforms specifically to simplify and secure the administration of different medications and volumes. These pens are crafted to enable individuals with limited grip strength or impaired vision to easily and safely administer their medication independently.
