by Barbara Ainis
7 minutes
Seismic-Safe Cleanrooms: A Groundbreaking Solution by Nicomac
Discover Nicomac's seismic-safe cleanrooms that ensures safety, uninterrupted operations, and supply chain resilience during earthquakes.

Cleanrooms are highly controlled environments where drugs, vaccines, and other stimulus-sensitive pharmaceutical materials are manufactured, making them an integral part of pharmaceutical supply chains. Unfortunately, in regions prone to seismic activity, the safety of cleanrooms, operational integrity, and efficiency are in question.
Structural failures in facilities with cleanrooms can result in human casualties, costly downtime, and supply chain disruptions. Furthermore, the stakes are high for pharma companies to ensure smooth operations during seismic effects while safeguarding the health and well-being of individuals working in their facilities.
Identifying this urgent need for a solution that ensures the safety and operational integrity of cleanrooms in seismic-activity-prone areas, Nicomac developed a unique solution. Leveraging their expertise as a global leader in cleanroom technology, Nicomac has now developed seismic-safe cleanrooms. These rigorously tested, patented cleanrooms will ensure uninterrupted operations while protecting people and products in the face of earthquakes. To understand why this solution is groundbreaking and its significant positive impact on the industry, you must first understand how seismic activity derails your plans.
The Problem with Conventional Cleanrooms
Cleanrooms are designed to control contaminants, but they are highly susceptible to damage as a result of seismic activity. Past earthquakes, such as the 2009 L’Aquila earthquake in Italy, have demonstrated the true vulnerability of cleanrooms to environmental factors.
Their extreme vulnerability…
Conventional cleanrooms are alarmingly vulnerable to earthquakes. Both structural and non-structural components of cleanrooms are affected by seismic activity. On the one hand, strong seismic activity can result in total damage such as wall cracking or breaking, damaged internal partitions, shredded electrical systems, and demolished false ceilings. On the other hand, even mild seismic activity can damage non-structural components non-structural elements, rendering spaces unusable and compromising insulation or the functionality of, air filtration systems, temperature/humidity controls, etc.
…leads to human loss and economic damage.
The damage to any structural or non-structural component can result in human casualties. There have been millions of documented cases where people have lost their lives because they were killed by broken walls, loose cabinets, and damaged ceilings during seismic activities. Furthermore, falling debris and hazardous dust formed during seismic events can endanger personnel.
These incidents are impossible to predict and extremely difficult to avoid, primarily because it is impossible to judge the magnitude of damage before it happens. Such issues are particularly important in advanced and industrialized regions, where interruptions in operations can result in substantial loss. Consequently, pharma companies face significant losses: They have to grapple with the loss of facility as well as manpower.
All of which affects the supply chain!
Unfortunately, conventional cleanrooms are just not designed to minimize human loss and economic damage in the face of a disaster.
Hence, after the disaster ends, pharma companies must scramble to assess the damage, rebuild their facilities, and establish new cleanrooms. However, regardless of how fast the rebuilding process is, pharma companies face inevitable supply chain disruptions, affecting their global sales and reputation.
These disadvantages make Nicomac’s Seismic-safe cleanrooms a groundbreaking and advantageous discovery for the pharmaceutical industry.
A Solution We Can Get Behind
Nicomac, in collaboration with the Federico II University of Naples, Italy, designed cleanrooms to address the vulnerabilities and drawbacks of conventional cleanrooms. Using their decades of experience in cleanroom design, Nicomac has developed cost-effective elements and technologies that can be integrated into cleanrooms to make them seismic activity safe, paving the way for a new technology: seismic-safe cleanrooms.
Nicomac’s seismic-safe cleanrooms come with patented earthquake-resistant technology that ensures the structural integrity and operation of cleanrooms even during and after seismic events.
Setting A High Bar
These newly developed seismic-safe cleanrooms set very high standards!
Nicomac has rigorously tested its cleanrooms to ensure their operation and structural safety during various seismic conditions—from small- to high-magnitude earthquakes. These tests have confirmed the functionality and structural stability of cleanrooms. Additionally, critical systems like pressure controls, temperature controls, and door operations have also been tested—and they’ve proven to remain unaffected during the activity.
There are advantages of using this newly developed tech:
1. Improved safety: Nicomac’s seismic-safe cleanrooms are designed with earthquake-resistant materials, which ensures there are fewer debris falling and structural collapses, resulting in improved safety of personnel and sensitive materials.
2. Operational continuity: As disclosed by rigorous testing, the cleanroom remains fully-functional even during seismic activity. Consequently, the total downtime is reduced, ensuring there is little disruption in the supply chain!
3. Cost-efficiency: Nicomac’s seismic-safe cleanrooms have excellent structural integrity, preventing expensive repairs and operational delays. Consequently, the total financial loss due to seismic activities is reduced.
Ushering A New Era
Nicomac’s seismic-safe cleanrooms are the first of their kind and certified according to the international AC156 protocol set by the International Code Council Evaluation Service. In an industry where downtime has a far-reaching impact on sales, these seismic-safe cleanrooms will become a gold standard. Nicomac has pushed the boundaries of cleanroom exploration by prioritising safety and operational continuity. As more companies and leaders become aware of the excellent advantages of Nicomac’s seismic-safe cleanrooms, we’re sure they will be integrated. By adopting such innovative tech, pharma companies can ensure seamless operations, reduce equipment downtime, and increase personnel safety in their facilities.